50 de umbre ale ipocriziei

Sunt uimita sa citesc recenzii, pseudo-articole si comentarii referitoare la filmul 50 Shades of Grey de catre persoane care se erijeaza in mari cunoscatori ai tuturor tarelor societatii din ziua de azi. Taie si spanzura. Tematica este universala si de cand lumea. Inca din Antichitate se practica sodomizarea, se mentioneaza si in cartile sfinte si…


Unde sunt vremurile in care aveam ragaz si traiam pe din plin, cu lucruri din care ne infruptam fara regrete si strictete si conceptul de politically correct patrunsese doar America. Ma refer la sfarsitul anilor ’90 cu exces de confort si lejeritate in tot ce ma inconjura, incepand de la tinute si haine cu forme…

Fericirea inseamna obligatii

Aseara am vazut filmul Grace of Monaco, in interpretarea lui Nicole Kidman. La un moment dat apar un schimb de replici gen aforisme, de statement intre confesorul-cardinal si printesa. ,, Iubirea inseamna obligatii”. Oare, pe langa ca iubesti, ai sentimente si iti pasa de soarta acelei persoane trebuie sa iti faci si altar din ea,…

Living on a boat in the big city

Boats are not necessarily luxury nowadays but also have become a way of living. I was very surprised to discover on a hazy spring day the life on London’s canal. People enjoy life in nature by boat in the very heart of the big city. This brings a spot of colour for the neighbourhood and…

Just a Few Greek Dishes

Every culture has its specific cuisine that in the end may have the same main ingredients but the approach of cooking and the spices make it so different according to the climate, religion, lifestyle …needs. Mediterranean cuisine is in my opinion the best thanks to the light and healthy food provided made of tomatoes, zucchini,…

XIX century literature and the species of Englishmen

What all these terms have in common: swell, snob and cockney?  Why there are many associations made between these species of Englishmen in literature such as in Charles Dickens’, John Fowles’ and Prince Bismarck’s writings? Swell: a dandy; a figure with a prominent chest, showing lordly an air of self-importance; Snob: sine nobilitate, or s….

Copiii frustrarii

Imi staruie si acum in minte, cuvintele dintr-un reportaj acultat la un post de radio cultural legat de DINK, Double Income No Kids, categorie sociala sa spunem care tot extinde…in America, si a carui concluzie este cum ca, cu cat mai multa educatie, cu atat mai mult absenta copiilor. Subscriu. Totalmente. Nu o sa desfasor…

Wind of change

People stay in relationships from different reason, but for love, sometimes. You find someone that you think perfectly matches to your standards, or if she/he doesn’t do it 100%, you just fall for the potential. Anyway, in a short while one is just being lazy and becomes comfortable in that relation while the other struggles,…

Anotimp disparut

Vara a disparut ca prin caldura, prea repede si prematur, fara preaviz. Sa fie simpomele de toamna care si-au facut aparitia cu picuri de ploaie , adieri de vant reci si soare fara vlaga? Summer has evanished as heat passed too soon too short noticed. Will it be fall symptoms that appeared with the rain…