Successful Learning

My written expression university course professor proved to be the most efficient of the other professors in explaining classes as I ended up by remembering the lessons and being able even now at a mature age, after 18 years, to identify and describe the main traits of the argumentative text. A TV person used to…

A piece of London through the looking glass of canvas

Set up in the heart of Tate Britain Museum, the location of the exhibition wants to isolate the paintings of Frank Auerbach. I have read about Frank Auerbarch after my visit to the exhibition in order not to influence my thought and prejudice. I wanted to see his art through my unexperienced eyes. His work…

Meditation and Drawing as Therapy

  I am not an artist, although I appreciate any attempt of art or consecrated art. Lately, I have attended some courses through MIND, destined to people with mental issues, either there are serious or might become if not treated at early stages: Mindfulness and Yoga and now the Art of Breathing which through meditation…

An afternoon in Hackney and London markets

Is the oldest dwelling in East London, built in 1535. Its architecture kept Tudor, Victoria and Georgian styles. Besides their grass, the English people love their brick as well. In Medieval times, Hackney was a village, lived by wealthy crafts people and later by the French refugees, Huguenots. Was it from the manufacture of brick…

Experienta urbana sau jurnal de Cosmopolitan

Ma trezesc, ma ridic din pat val-vartej si incep… nu stiu cu ce sa ma imbrac, va ploua sau nu dupa-masa caci acum se anunta o zi glorioasa. Imi pun o rochie si tocuri, dupa ce imi fac micul ritual de infrumusetare, imi aplic un rimel, o pudra gelifiata cu efect velvety YSL si un…


Daca liberul arbitru este factorul care intretine independenta, libertatea si relaxarea in timp ce programarea impiedica toate acestea, exista vreo modalitate sa nu te izolezi dar sa iti fie in siguranta practicile fara sa intrerupi circuitele de comunicare cu exteriorul? Are abundenta vreo legatura cu asta? Singuratatea blocheaza comunicarea cu exteriorul. Este pacat sa fii un…

Cu capul in nisip

Ma framata de ceva vreme o intrebare nu tocmai ortodoxa, dincolo de echitate si bun simt: oare este permis ca atunci cand esti intr-o relatie de genul cul de sac sa ramai acolo pana ce gasesti pe altcineva sau esti obligat sa te intorci din captivitate pentru a te indrepta spre un alt drum oricat …